Our Black Friday Deals Are Ready!
Have you been waiting for black Friday and small business Saturday? Here is a list of our years best deals.
All week until Saturday closing time charcutierie stock is 15% off. We have 8 different exotic species and many domestic species on hand. All kiln dried and surfaced smooth.
Friday and Saturday Exotic slabs and cookies are 15% off online and in store. Our exotic slabs are one of a kind that you can't find around. Wide slabs perfect for dinning room tables. Domestic species are 20% off in store only. We have domestic slabs up to 30" wide. All our slabs are kiln dried smooth and ready to use.
On cyber Monday we will have our new Rustic Lumber Epoxy ready for pre order and 20% off. Our new charcutierie kits will be 20% off as well. Our charcutierie kits include around 12 bf of exotic wood boards ranging from 7"-12" wide 24" long. Both epoxy and charcutierie kits will also include free shipping!
I might include a give away drawing from all our weekend shoppers. Possibly a 3 gallon deep pour epoxy kit? Please feel free to reach out to us about any deals.
We will be open Friday 8-430pm and Saturday 8-1pm