The big table give away contest!
I've decided to make things exciting to my amazing current and future customer base. I am going to have a contest to give away one of our awesome custom made tables from your choice exotic species of wood! These tables are not your ordinary wood slab tables as they're imported from Costa Rica and not available anywhere else around here. Myself and our amazing craftsmen then do our magic finishing the table to make it one of a kind.
I've never before gave away anything as much of value as this contest will be! My goals are to grow this business as much as possible and with todays marketing world excelling in social media in crucial. I want to strive for 10,000 follower on Facebook or Instagram, preferably both. I have two links on both Facebook and Instagram with all the rules in the post. Please click the links below to participate for you chance to win one of a kind custom table and seating!