Em's Woodwork


We are proud to have Emily as one of our Loyalty Members. You can find Emily on Facebook, Instagram, and her website. Use discount code "emswoodwork" for 5% off on your order. Purchases made with her discount code supports her business with commissions.

Emily Hagen is a self-described small-town girl working daily to make my dreams of a more quality world a reality. We have worked with Emily for the past few years and have built a great working relationship. She has used every service we offer and recently bought her first pallet of Rustic Lumber Epoxy. We've watched her create complete works of art and know that this is only the beginning of her journey. Her goals are deeply rooted in quality time with loved ones. We'll let Emily tell you more herself.


"Here at Em’s Woodwork, my goal is to inspire families and friends to share quality time together. My goal is to facilitate being present in the simple moments with people (#BePresent). I feel that life has gotten so busy that often we don’t have time to sit down and just enjoy a cup of coffee chatting about life with our friends and family. My goal is that with every piece I create, that I can inspire genuine conversations and excite people to share time and get to know our neighbors. My thought is that if I can create a stunning coffee table or dining table that you are excited about, you will want to invite friends and family over to share in priceless memories around that piece."


How to apply Furniture oil and Hydrocoat

How to build a leak proof form and pour an epoxy table.

How to properly dry wood